Learning: |
ability to quickly increase your character's experience. |
Trade: |
ability to bargain over the price you want to buy or sell an item at. |
Communion: |
ability to recover mana stocks more quickly. |
Language: |
ability to decode coded messages (Multiplayer mode only). |
Master of Arms: |
ability to increase speed of attack and chances of a successful hit. |
Perception: |
ability to detect traps. |
Concentration: |
ability to enhance your character's physical attributes temporarily (strength and dexterity). |
Defusing: |
ability to undo traps. |
Detection: |
ability to detect magic objects. |
Exorcism: |
ability to remove spells from cursed objects carried by another player. |
Forester: |
ability to find food. |
Identification: |
ability to identify all unknown objects. |
Lycanthropy: |
ability to change your character into a werewolf (all the magic points are used for strength). |
Medicine: |
ability to heal others. |
Meditation: |
ability to temporarily increase your number of mana points. |
Orientation: |
ability to display the entire map for the regions and dungeons for agiven period of time. |
Prayer: |
ability to increase your character's armor class. |
Recharging: |
ability to recharge the magic objects you have. |
Repair: |
ability to repair the weapons you have. |
Silence: |
ability of your character to move around without being noticed by your opponents. |
Theft: |
ability to rob the characters you meet. |