The creation stage is now finished, you just have to generate your quest.
- Select Edit in the Text menu.
- Click on Export to create a text file export.txt in the Darkstone folder.
- Edit this text file with any text editor, and translate all your texts.
- Save this file.
- In QuestEdit, select Default Language in the Text menu and choose your translation language.
- Select Edit again from the Text menu and click on Import, then select your translated file.
- Click to confirm.
- Select Edit in the Text menu.
- Click on the text reference key and click on Voice File.
- Choose your sound file (16 bits mono 44k WAV format).
- Click to confirm.
NOTE: The *.wav files will be compressed in MP2 format during the final generation of the quest file. However the sound files will be the same for all languages.
- Before generating our quest, if it's necessary, copy the imported file *.o3d in the folder:
- Select Generate Quest in the File menu.
- Fill in the quest description for reference and write your name for universal recognition.
The Debug mode function allows you to test your quest in immortal mode. In the game use the Visited sites option to be directly teleported to the different sites of the level.
You can also be teleported to different levels of the game by pressing SHIFT + T (1-32 for the dungeon levels and 33-36 for the land levels).
Start Darkstone and select your quest.
Remember to quit the editor before launching the game in order to avoid problems due to Direct 3D.
IMPORTANT: When you estimate your quest is ready to be circulated, perform a new generation of the quest, deactivating the Debug mode funciton in order to remove the immortality of the characters and telelortation.
Your quest and all its elements (sprites, 3D objects, etc) are in the name of your quest.MTF file located in the ..\Darkstone\quest\ folder.
In the event you wish to exchange quests, meet other players or get some help with respect to QuestEdit, go to the Darkstone forum on
Annexe: Recapitulation of the functions